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/ Personal Computer World 2009 February / PCWFEB09.iso / Software / Shareware / Beyond Compare 3.0.10 / BCompareSetup.exe / {app} / BCompare.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TOPCOPYTODIALOG / TOPCOPYTODIALOG.txt
Text File  |  2008-11-03  |  1KB  |  63 lines

  1. inherited OpCopyToDialog: TOpCopyToDialog
  2.   HelpType = htKeyword
  3.   HelpKeyword = 'Copy_to_Folder'
  4.   Caption = 'Copy to Folder'
  5.   ClientHeight = 443
  6.   PixelsPerInch = 96
  7.   TextHeight = 13
  8.   inherited SelectionGroupBox: TUiGroupBox
  9.     inherited LeftImage: TUiImage
  10.       ImageIndex = imgCopyTo
  11.     end
  12.     inherited RightImage: TUiImage
  13.       ImageIndex = imgCopyTo
  14.     end
  15.   end
  16.   inherited ActionGroupBox: TUiGroupBox
  17.     Height = 149
  18.     object ActionLbl: TUiLabel
  19.       Left = 16
  20.       Top = 24
  21.       Height = 13
  22.       Caption = 'Copy selected files to this folder:'
  23.     end
  24.     object PathBrowseBtn: TUiBrowseSpeedButton
  25.       Left = 343
  26.       Top = 42
  27.       BrowseComboBox = PathEdit
  28.     end
  29.     object PathEdit: TUiBrowseComboBox
  30.       Left = 16
  31.       Top = 43
  32.       Width = 322
  33.       Height = 21
  34.       ItemHeight = 13
  35.       TabOrder = 0
  36.       OnChange = PathChanged
  37.       OnBrowse = PathBrowse
  38.     end
  39.     object DirStructureEdit: TUiRadioGroup
  40.       Left = 16
  41.       Top = 69
  42.       Width = 350
  43.       Height = 68
  44.       Caption = 'Folder structure'
  45.       Items.WideStrings = (
  46.         'Keep relative folder structure'
  47.         'Keep base folder structure'
  48.         'Don'#39't keep folder structure')
  49.       TabOrder = 1
  50.     end
  51.   end
  52.   inherited FilteredWarningGroupBox: TUiGroupBox
  53.     Top = 316
  54.   end
  55.   inherited BottomPanel: TUiPanel
  56.     Top = 398
  57.     inherited StartBtn: TUiButton
  58.       ModalResult = 0
  59.       OnClick = StartClick
  60.     end
  61.   end
  62. end